What is ‘freedom,’ really?

What is Freedom

These days, it seems like we hear people talk about “freedom” and “individual rights” every day.  But do we actually know what the word “freedom” really means?  And what are rights? The dictionary literally defines freedom as “the power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.”  In other words, freedom implies that people...

Is Wagyu Beef Healthy?

Jon Urbana - KOW Steaks

Is Wagyu Beef Healthy, You Ask? Not a chance. The answer depends on your individual circumstances. You might prefer a softer, less expensive cut or a higher calorie variety, but you must know what is good for you. A good source of protein is 80%. If you're looking to lose weight, choose a healthier cut. A low-calorie and high-fat...

Equity Experts Provides Superior Collection Results for Community Associations

Associations should routinely update their debt collection policies and procedures. By reviewing homeowner information, managers and board members ensure that they can navigate effectively through the latest regulatory framework. Equity Experts can help you comply with changes, reducing homeowner delinquency and legal liability for things like: interest late charges reasonable costs of collecting, including attorneys’ fees related fines unpaid...

Hiking in Colorado: A Gear Checklist

Ever head out on a hiking adventure and find that you are not prepared? Spring brings mud, and elevation can bring drops in temperature. Admittedly so, I have been in more than a few situations where I loaded the dogs up in the truck and took off for the hills without preparing for what lies ahead. Though this is...

Texas Roofing Scammers Head to Prison

The construction industry has long been plagued by shoddy workmanship and scams, but unfortunately, many scammers get away with it. That’s not the case for San Antonio scammers Mark Anthony Rodriquez and Richard Stevens who have been sentenced to 15-year prison sentences for a variety of roofing scams in Texas. Rodriquez and Steven’s company Durizon Roofing was first accused of...

How to Work Out with an Infant

how to work out with a baby

Getting back into the swing of things after a pregnancy is not the easiest thing to do. In general, it seems there is always something else you can be doing. Laundry seems like it is a bottomless pit, dinners are standing and on the go quick meals, the dishwasher is always full and it’s hard to keep track if...

7 Tips for Planning Your Funeral, and Why You Should

Regardless of how healthy or young you are now, the day will come when you will die. The latin phrase ‘memento mori’ reminds us that all of us are going to cease to exist at some point.  While it’s not the most pleasant thought to entertain, there are some very important reasons why planning for your death is a good...

Top 5 Excuses Not to Exercise and How to Get Over Them

Every week it seems like the same old story. “I’ll start my exercise plan tomorrow morning, next week or next month”. Yet, every day it’s easy to come up with the perfect excuse that can get into your head to prevent you from starting an exercise regimen. If you are like most people starting a habit and sticking to...

Ways a Poor Diet Can Cause Vision Loss

Vision loss resulting from a poor diet is not a theoretical possibility for medical students to ponder. The threat of vision loss from poor eating is not a far-fetched idea used by physicians and dietitians to get their patients to eat a nutritious diet. Vision loss from unhealthy diets is not restricted to developing nations where malnutrition is commonplace....

What You Need to Know About Foundations

3 Facts About Foundations

Unless you’re driving or in an airplane, there’s likely a foundation under your feet. It’s easy to think of foundations as the simple concrete slabs you’ve come to know, but foundations are much more than that. Foundations are unique, historical, and much more interesting than you would think. Let’s learn three facts about foundations to give you an idea...